RQIS's Definition of Social Innovation

In 2011, the RQIS proposed its definition of social innovation in the Déclaration québécoise pour l’innovation sociale. This definition is inspired by the ones of Camil Bouchard, the Centre de recherche sur les innovations sociales, the Stanford Center for Social Innovation and the Young Foundation.

« A social innovation is a new idea, approach or intervention, a new service, product or law, a new type of organization that responds more adequately and sustainably than existing solutions to a well-defined social need.

A ‘taker’ (individual, duo or group) within an institution, organization or community is a fundamental cornerstone.  Collaborative work results in  the production of measurable benefits for the community and not just for certain individuals. 

The scope of a social innovation is transformative and systemic. In its inherent creativity, it represents a break with what already exists. »